
Summer Hanging Baskets

Summer hanging baskets – these baskets will see you through from the later part of May, through the summer months and well into Autumn.



We offer a large selection of moss lined hanging baskets of various sizes, these baskets are normally ready around mid May onwards.  These include traditional flowering baskets, planted both in the top and around the side offering a basket full of variety and interest. Our aim is to produce baskets which (depending on the weather!) flower well into the autumn.


Along side the traditional baskets we also offer single species baskets and our popular ‘foliage’ basket which is full of interesting coloured and textured foliage plants.


We also offer an ordering service, new and refill, to accommodate your preferences, colour schemes, situation etc.


Feel free to phone/email to discuss.


For all your seasonal hanging baskets, patio, perennial and bedding plants Call 01789 773 231


Large selection of quality seasonal plants at competitive prices.



We stock a wide selection of seasonal patio plants from trusted favourites such as Geranium (over 50 varieties) or Calibrachoa & Petunia (over 40 varieties) to the more unusual foliage plants such as Tradescantia & Iricine.


Grown along side these is our bedding range which we offer in various pack sizes from 6’s to 20’s.  All sold as well established quality plants ensuring that once planted they are off to the best start.


We now also offer an extensive range of perennials and shrubs, again all grown on site to our high standards.


As you would be buying direct from the grower we feel our prices are also competitive.


For all your seasonal hanging baskets, patio, perennial and bedding plants Call 01789 773 231

Winter Hanging Baskets

Winter baskets overlap nicely with your summer ones, collect around mid October and lasting into early summer.



Winter baskets offer interest in the winter months, then coming alive in the spring where they reach their full potential.  Bursting with colour from the pansies with extra interest from our complementary mixture of hardy foliage plants.


As with the summer baskets we offer both ready made and an ordering service, baskets are normally ready early to mid October.


For all your seasonal hanging baskets, patio, perennial and bedding plants Call 01789 773 231